Posted by: okctrinityyouth | October 20, 2009

Family Friendly Youth Ministry

Some wonder why we have so little “programmed” youth ministry in the fall and winter. Why don’t we do more in October, November, December? The answer simply put . . . you’re already doing TOO MUCH! Families report higher levels of stress then ever, especially with the beginning of a new school year AND all the holiday concerts, fall and winter sports & activities, etc . . . So the church should be a positive equipping force for Spiritual Sanity! But too often it becomes just another hectic addition to the already booked calendar!

So we choose, here at Trinity, to make these few months a little less hectic for families. Yes, we meet every week two, three, and sometimes four times. Yes, we have a few little activities each month. But there’s just nothing MAJOR. We know the Spring and Summer will be jammed packed with activity. So, if you’re just bored . . . well wait a few months!

Enjoy some of this down-time. Make time for your family. Take care of your responsibilities. Don’t program yourself to death. And breathe deeply the rest that is found in authentic Christian experience!

Posted by: okctrinityyouth | November 12, 2008

You Post It – You Eat Free!

So – any Trinity student (o.k. and sponsor) who responds/replies/makes a comment to this first post will get a free meal on us! If  no-one responds/replies/makes a comment, then the blog thing just isn’t going to work is it?
